Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/342

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TheM arrangements being mtide, each took his post and cadinly awaited the enemy, then at tomt distaMe. At sunrise the battle com"^ fh€tkc6d. The Persians adiraneed to the charge of the tight wing of the Armenian army, and put it to Afght. A*t this juncture Isaac the prefect engaged the Persian general Atimer^h Salar iik single combat. Having inedeetually thrown band, and a furious struggle ensued. Afteif wrestling for a (ionsiderable time, and mutually exchanging several violent blows, the Persian was exhausted, and thrown from his borse; bat through the confusion (hat prevailed, sue- ee^ed in escaping amongst the crowd. Vaban, huving observed the confusion into which his anfly was thrown by the dtefeat of hk right wing, called out to Viren Vanandensis fo ad- rattoeto the charge. The latter replied, •• Do not ooilfrde in me in an hour like this." Yahan, Ml Ifearifig this, sealed himself with the iAgn of Aii0^ros8i, and darted into the right wing'of thcf Fenian army with the speed and fury of a thun- derbolt. Here he was nobly lieconded by the twd brothers I^erseh and Hirahat the Camsara-* cans. These three quickly threw the ranks of du^enemyiico disorder, cutting them down with knmense slaaghter. Tiiey then pas^sed to the left wing, ^ere their foes fell before them lik^

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