Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/346

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Fendering them somewhat irresolute^ Valthank mreiited many stories to deceive them, and per- snaded them to pitch their camp near the rivet Cur. H we» after a delay of three days, Mihran at l^igth arrived, with an immense force, accom* paniedby elephants, chariots, and armed cavalry, from various nations. He pitched his camp opposite to that of the Armenians : who when they saw the vast superiority of numbers against them, became alarmed, and crossing Ibe river Cur encamped on the i^posite bank«  Many of the united army, seized with terror at the antictpation of the approaching contest, sent and made terms with the Persians, whom they Joined. On the following day, Vahan with his troops having taken courage, recrossed the river^ and took post near the enemy's camp. He arnoged his aaen in order of batde, and both atmies rushed to the attack. Yahan, confiding in God, and seconded by the Camsaracans, cut ddwn all who opposed him. Many of the dis- tingiusbed Persian chiefs fell by his hand, and he was dreaded by the whtAe of the enemy's troops. During the heat of die conflict, Isaac the pre- fiaet,. who had wholly devoted himself to Christ and the church, afker perforining many acts of ▼aiour, fdl a martyr. Vasak, the brothev of Vahaa^ in an encounter with a Persian, broke tta apear against the armour of his opponent^

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