Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/348

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chains, and took him with him vrherever he went A valiant Seunian, of the name of Hazd» with several Georgians, was also taken that day, put in chains, and strictly guarded. Vahan the general, together with the two brothers, Nerseh and Vahan the Camsaracans, after the battle, retired to the village of Mucknarinj in the coun* try of the Taics, where he was after w^ds joined by others who had escaped from the battle, to the number of 100 men. iMiiiran, having learned where Vahan had taken up his residence, set out in pursuit of him, accompanied by his krge army. In a short time he arrived near the village of Duin, where he pitched his camp. Vahan was posted at a short distance from this place. Mihran, when be learned this, aware of the desperate valour of his opponent, sent him proposals of peace, wishing again to bring him under subjection to the Persians. He replied, If you will allow the Armenians a free and unmolested profession of their religion, we will in all cases obey the Persians. If you will not accept our subjection on these terms, we desire to say, that we consider it mucb better to die a glorious death in defence of Christianity, than to live honoured by you in apostacy/' While these negotiations were going forward, Mihran received an order from king Phiroz to return immediately to Persia ; and was consequently


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