Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/352

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the mountain Girvez, advanced to the siege of Duin. Valian, beliolding the magnitude of the enemy's force, assembled his party, and thus addressed them, ** The Persians only seek to encounter us, and if we withdraw from the city, they will follow us. It is easy for us to baiBe all their efforts, by taking refuge in our strong holds, and by so doing we shall prevent all the horrors of the siege and sacking of Duin." All being agreed in the opinion of their leader, they first set about repairing and strengthening the fortifications of the capital, and then recom* mending themselves to the protection of the All Powerful, issued out in small parties of two and three to effect a retreat from the enemy. The Persians having blockaded the city on all sides, the Vahanians were obliged to cut their way through the thronged ranks of their opponents. This they did, after killing numbers, who ineffectually strove to cut them off. The Persians were amazed at this daring enterprize, and for a while were undecided how to act, fanc3ring that the anger of the gods had descended upon them. Two of the Armenian chiefs, named Ordie Dimaxian, and Cajaj Saharuney, however, unfor- tunately fell in their attempt to secure the safety of Johan Mandakunian the pontiff, who, in the confusion that prevailed on the sudden attack of the Armenians, was surrounded by a host of

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