Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/362

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prefect then dispatched eight noblemen to the Armenian camp, v^here they were received by Vahan with all due respect and honour, and made over to the charge of his troops.. Vahan then, with a few men, and some of the most illustrious of the faithful chiefs, advanced to the village of Nuar* sak, where Nikhor was encamped, and ordering his men to form in ord^r pf battle, commanded the war trumpets to sound a flourish. The prefect and his army, hearing this, were struck with fear, and said, The Mamiconian has de- ceived us and is now prepared to destroy us." Nikhor then sent forward some of his chiefs to inform Vahan that he ought to have observed the custom of the Persians, which was, that none but the general dared to blow a trumpet in going to or quitting a place. Vahan replied, *' First make me a servant of the lord of the Persians, then, and not till then, will I observe their customs.*^ He then entered the village and met Nikhor. The latter was transported with joy on seeing him. He fell on his neck and embraced him. He also greeted him in the name of Valarsh the Persian king, and all the grandees. He likewise saluted the chiefs who had accoinpanied Vahan» and paid great attention to all his people.

When Vahan heard the royal greeting, he prostrated himself, and received it with the great- est respect* Nikhor then held a council, where

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