Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/364

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and received many compliments from the king. All ccmsenting to the terms proposed by the Armenians, Valarsh ratified them by his hand and «eal, issuing, at the same time, a decree that the present agreement with the Armenian chris- tians should be considered by all his successors on the throne of Persia as irrevocable. The king then ennobled Vahan by the title of Lord of the Mamiconians, and appointed him generallissimo of the Armenians. Upon all the faithful chiefs, the colleagues and companions of Vahan, he also bestowed titles of nobility, on each according to his desert. Then, loading them all with magnificent presents, he sent them to their own country, where they arrived praising and glori- fying God. They were, on their return, met by Johan the pontiff, who had come out of the city of Duin for that purpose, bearing the crucifix and relics of St. Gregory the Illuminator. He blessed them all with a Joyful voice. All then proceeded to a church in the city of Valarshapat, and there offered up thanksgivii^gs to God> for the success with w^h their exerticms had b^en crowned.

From hence they repaired to Duia, where all retired in peace to their respective habi- tations. A new prefect was then sent into a.d.484. Armenia, named Andekan, a Persian, a prudent imd peaceable character^ who, oji taking posses-


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