Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/369

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issued a decree prohibiting all from speaking any more concerning it, either good or bad. The Armenians coming to the knowledge of this, said to each other, ** If the Greeks do not acknow- ledge the council holden by themselves, what occasion have we to concern ourselves with it."* A. D. 492. The year following the meeting at Valarshapat, Babken died, having enjoyed the pontificate five years. He was succeeded by Samuel, from the village of Arzkey, in the province of the BuzDunians. Some time after, when the disputes that had arisen about the council of Chalcedon had a little subsided, the fire of religious per- secution was again kindled by the Persians in Armenia.

Valarsh being dead, Cavat the son of Phiroz> his successor in the crown of Persia, despised the irrevocable decree which had been issued by the late monarch, respecting the agreement between the Armenians and Persians. Insti- gated by the Magi, he sent to Armenia a Persian governor, with alarge force, accompanied by a number of ministers of their abominable religion. These, having entered the country by force, began to erect fire temples, in which they were assisted by many of their countrymen residing in Armenia. The more timid of the inhabitants were also allured to embrace the

  • See Hist. B. Ill, c. 34.

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