Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/372

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Tftry short duration, for having excited enemies against himself, they carried accusations against him to Cavat, and applied for a Persian prefect. The Persian monarch having sent for Vard, deposed him from the government of Armenia, after he had possessed it four years. He sub- sequently fell sick and died in Persia. His remains were brought to Taron, and there interred. Burghan the Persian then became a.d.5I5. prefect. He was a useless and effeminate character, and exercised his authority in the city of Duin for three years. In his prefecture, Isaac the pontiff died, having been at the head of the church five years.

Christopher the Second, from the village of Tiraruch, in the province of Bagrevand, then succeeded to the pontificate. At this period the Huns made an irruption into Armenia, and thence spread themselves over the regions of Cappadocia, where they committed dreadful depredations, burning the towns and villages, and spoiling the inhabitants. On their ap- preaching the province of the Sasuns, Mije}, chief of the Gnunians, a brave and warlike character, gathered a few troops and attacked the spoilers. After a sharp contest he routed them with great slaughter, and drove them from that part of the country. He then united himself with several distinguished Armenian


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