Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/390

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of his servants td the other fifty soldiers stationed at the village, directing them to apply to Mihran for a reinforeemeDt. The latter im- mediately dispatched to Oz 2,000 men more. Previous to their arrivaU however, Vahan habited his Armenian followers in the dresses of the murdered Persians, and mounting them upon the horses of those wretches, led them out of the city. On the arrival of the two thousand men sent by Mihran, they were permitted to enter without opposition, but on their begin* ning to blow their trumpets as if in triumph, the citizens rose up against them and massacred every souL After the destruction of these latter, Vahan assembled 800 powerful men, and posted them in ambush near the river Meltey. He then repaired to Mihran, to whom he laid complaints against the troops with which he had been furnished, and succeeded in obtaining from him another reinforcement of 2,000 men, which he declared were absolutely indispensable to ensure the capture of Mushel. These devoted wretches were then led by him towards the river beforementioned, where the concealed troops, on a preconcerted signal, cut them off to a man. He thence sent messengers to Mihran, infcMrming him that all had succeeded to his utmost wish, and forthwith returned to this general, attended by a hundred men, and in a

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