Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/394

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After thu, Vahan eogaged the Persians twice, and defeated them each time. He shortly after died, having proved a dreadful scourge to the enemies of Armenia while they endeavoured to molest her. His remains were interred in the a. d. mr. convent of Glak. After his death, hisson Sumbat S!1S assumed Uie command of the Armenian troops, and attacking Valthank defeated and killed him, together with three other Persian generals, named Suren, Dehran, and Virduhr. He died shortly afterwards, and was succeeded in his command by his son Vahan, who was. by the mother s side, a descendant of the family of the Camsaracaus. For more particulars of these chieftains see Hist. B. Ill, c. 48—50, and 52.


The period between the prefecture of Varaztiroz and the government of Theodoras the Rushtu- nian, and between the pontificates ofComitas and Nierses, sur named the Architect.

At this period died Johan, the pontiff of that a. d. 6I6. part of Armenia belonging to the Greeks, and Sf^"! hencefibrward all separation ceased between the spiritual government of the two dirisions. In the same year with the above, Abraham, pontiff of the Persian division of Armenia, also


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