Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/408

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chief of one part of Armenia Minor, and who had submitted to their authority, these invaders refrained from committing such depredations as marked their career on their other visits. They did not even kill a single individual, but taking hostages for the future obedience of the inhabi- tants, to the amount of 1,775, they returned to Damascus. Theodorus the Rushtunian was one of these hostages, and some time after his arrival with the conquerors at Damascus he died. In the following year the governor Sumbat also died, after holding that office ten years. Nierses the Architect, upon hearing of the decease of these two, who had been his most virulent opposers, returned to Duin, and resumed his pontificate. Shortly after this event the cross of Varag was discovered, and an annual festival appointed for the same. See Hist. B. Ill, c. 55.

On the death of Sumbat, the Saracens, who ^'^^^ then domineered in Armenia, appointed Hama- ®™ '®^ zasp the Mamiconian to the office of governor. By the direction of the latter, Vard, the son of Theodorus the Rushtunian, became general of the Armenian troops.

Two years after the assumption of the govern- t:^^^ ment by Hamazasp, the nation finding the ««io5. tributes exacted from them by the Saracens oppressive, revolted from their dominion, and again became tributaries of the emperor, who

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