Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/420

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the property of his victims and to seize all their families: this was executed. Among the cap- tives was a boy four years of age, named Vahan, the son of Khosrove chief of Golthen, who in the course of time was martyred : a girl of the name of Susan, daughter 'of Vahan the Cam- saracan, also fell into their hands, and b^ing tortured by them in consequence of her religion, perished in Charran. Sumbat, the late gover- ^ P* ^^^ » nor and a few other chiefs, to avoid falling cn^^&s. into the power of Cashm, fled into the country of the Egerians, which was under the power of the Greeks. Here, instead of being received with kindness and assisted, they were treated with contempt. This irritating them, they plundered Ibe city in which they had taken refuge, and robbed the churches that were in it, and car^ ried off their spoil into Armenia. The Greeks, incensed at their impiety in laying hands on the church, published an anathema which was read annually on Easter-day.

In tile fourteenth year of the government A.p.rir. of Cashm, he was superseded by Vilth, by enicc order of Omar then Caliph of Damascus. From this period, to the reign of the Bagratians, our country continued to be governed by individuals sent by the Caliph. These governors, contrary to the will of their master, continued to oppress the Armenians with littie intermission of rest;

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