Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/430

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died. His successor was Sion, from the village HaSin^^' of Bavons in the province of Aragazote, a man w»2i6. eminently distinguished for wisdom and piety. He wrought many miracles, as the old records state. Shortly after his elevation to the ponti- ficate he held a meeting in this year in the city of P^rtav, and enacted twenty-four canons for the regulation of the clergy and the church. Isaac the Bagratian attended this assembly. He had been superseded in his office of governor in the sixth year of his sway, by Seuleman, a HaSin^^* prince of the Saracens, and previously prefect *" ^^^' of the country about Mount Shem. Seuleman governed Armenia three years and then died. Bekir then became governor, being sent by the HaSio ^^' Caliph of Bagdad. He was a relentless cha- *'*^'^* racter, and fearfully harrassed the poor Arme- nians. Troops were sent by his order into the provinces of KalenandThalen, where they slew more. Bekir treacherously decoyed Isaac, the chief of these people, into his power, and then sent him to the Caliph of Bagdad, who cruelly ordered him to be put to death and his property to be confiscated. During these trou- bles Sion the pontiff died, having presided over the church eight years. Isaiah, from the village ^, ^ j^^^ of Elapatrush in the province of Nig, was then ^'224. elevated to the pontificate. He was a man of

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