Page:The History of Armenia - Avdall - Volume 1.djvu/59

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journey from each other, both conveniently situated near springs of the purest water. Here he settled Pharokh and Zolak, naming the villages which he gave them Pharacote and Zolakert. He also changed the name of Mount Ararat, calling it the Foot of Masis, after himself; the district about the base of it he called the country of Masis. Amassia, shortly after, returned to Armavir, with his son Gelam, and died in the 32nd year of his reign. Grelam succeeded his father in the government of the Armenians. In the course of a few years, this Prince appointed his son Harma regent of the nation, and quitting Armavir with a large body of people, proceeded toward the north-east, with a view of extending his dominions, by the establishment of colonies. Having reached the sea of Sevan, he built a number of towns and villages along its shores, giving them the name of the Royal Establishments of Gelam. This sea was henceforward also known by the name of the sea of Gelam, and a high mountain situated near it, received the name of Mount Gel or Mount Gelam.

The whole of the lands on the borders of this sea were given by him to his son Sisac, a man, it is said, upon whom nature had bestowed the choicest of her gifts, which by a judicious education had been carried to a very high state