Page:The History of Liberty.djvu/13

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was not the purpose for which the son of God visited our world, but it was an incidental and inevitable consequence growing out of the state of society, a state of things which a long reign of wickedness in high places had established in the world, and which would not yield its hold upon society without the most violent contest,—blood and desolation. And just so with Liberty; she has a parallel course to run—, a parallel contest to wage, a parallel object to gain, parallel triumphs to record; each in its own way promoting the glory of God, and the welfare of man.

Yea when these solemn words were uttered by the Divine teacher, when the breeze of Palestine caught and carried away that prophetic declaration; then commenced that fire of truth and Liberty which the malice of men, aided by the rage of hell has never been able to quench: a fire, whose celestial and eternal light will dissipate all the darkness that sin has spread over the world; and whose consuming wrath will burn up all that is hostile to the interests of man, and to the honor and glory of God.

True Liberty and christianity are so alike, that in speaking of the one we cannot forbear refering to the other. They are alike in their heavenly origin; alike in their mission to earth; alike in the great objects of that mission; alike in the simplicity of their principles, and the purity of their spirit and truth, alike in the free, the full and gratuitous offer of themselves to man; alike in their unostentatious character and bearing; alike in their gentleness and meekness; alike in their stern and unyielding nature, that surrenders nothing, compromises nothing, abates nothing of their original demands; alike in the history of their progress; and alike in their perversions and corruptions by men, who professing to be their guardians and defenders, but who know nothing of the truths and principles of either. But most of all are they alike in this their highest and most. distinguishing feature, they are the property—, the free gift of God to the people; both bringing to light this great fact—this great truth, which mankind are just beginning to comprehend, viz: that all power is derived from the people—that here is the central point—and source of all sovereignty—authority and law—; that, under the gospel dispensation, which embraces in its elective call the whole family of man—all the nations of the earth—, the declaration of which is set forth in the second chapter of the book of Psalms—; the people are the property of God—; and from him all power, is derived to be employed for their advancement, honor and happiness. His will is to be their law and rule of action, and when speaking and acting by and through that