Page:The History of Liberty.djvu/22

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tinctly recognized in all his official conduct, and exemplified every truth we have advanced—viz: the sovereignty of the people, their capability through knowledge to manage and take care of their own interests; and lastly, that official men of every order, are the agents of the people to do their will. For he himself, the Lord of life and glory; the heir of all things distinctly tells his disciples that he came into the world not to be served, but to serve; not to do bis own will but the will of him who sent him. And the apostles also, recognized and carried out the same principle: these Apostles taken from the ranks and bosom of the people, were the official agents to proclaim that new system of Religion, philosophy, morals and Liberty, which will revolutionize the world, and make earth the counterpart of heaven. And what find we in the annals of the Apostles, in the recorded acts of the organization of the church—the Kingdom of Christ? why the elementary principles of representative—elective—government—; popular government, a government founded upon, and growing out of the will and consent of the people. This is most distinctly recognized in all the acts of the apostles, and during the first age of the church, in her innocency, her simplicity, and her parity.

The boasted liberty of Greece and Rome, failed for the want of this vital, and conservative principle; viz: that the people are the true source of all political power and sovereignty—, the source of all right, and privilege—, law and authority: and the only source of all official life and agency, which are in the order of God, intended for the wants and interests of the people, not for those holding official authority. Another important fact which the history of the acts of the Apostles, and the first age of the church reveals, is that every community whether it consists of ten individuals, or ten millions contains within herself all the official materials, necessary for her official wants. This is the work and the gift of God, who furnishes for society and the world, those talents that are needed, and just as they are needed. And this has been the history of his dealings with men. God never interposes in behalf of man, but when it is necessary to interpose; that man may learn two important lessons; to do all he can himself, and what he cannot do; he must look and trust to God. And when a Columbus is, wanted to discover a new world, in which truth, Liberty and suffering humanity may find a secure home; God will provide a Columbus, and by his spirit guide him over the wildernerness of waters to that new world. And when the cause of Liberty demands a Washington and a Franklin, lo, the same watchful providence