Page:The History of Liberty.djvu/29

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world has hitherto seen! What a problem, or rather what a series of problems, political and moral are in progression, working out new principles and truths, simple as they are beautiful, and beneficient as simple! Like christianity she is most potent for good, when most simple. Simplicity is the conservative principle in both. And it is this very simplicity in the organic principles of Liberty, and in herinstitutions and developments that gives her all her stability, her strength and her efficiency, which makes her a perfect anamoly in the history of nations and political science. And it is this same simplicity in theory and practice that confounds all the calculations, and falsifies all the predictions of European Statesmen. The simple but irresistible truths and principles of Liberty, her silent but rapid advancement, cut asunder the metaphysical subtilties. of European diplomacy and political tactics as the sword of Alexander severed the Gordion knot which for ages had puzzled the wits of the east to untie.

And when the despots and Statesmen of the old world tell us they cannot understand our institutions—and our Government which are the peculiar results of Liberty they declare the honest truth of their minds. It is foolishness unto them; a stone of stumbling and a rock of offence; just as Christianity in her simplicity and purity was to the philosophers of Greece and Rome, as well as to the Jewish scribe, pharisee and priest. The statesmen and politicians of Europe with a Talleyrand and Matternich at their head cannot understand us and our Government, because their minds have been so long perverted from the simplicity of truth; by their false views of human nature which of necessity leads them into Corresponding errors in political and governmental science; so that every thing is seen by them in a false and inverted medium.

The progress of Liberty is now, to her enemies as alarming as it is incomprehensible. Events are in progress and in embryo which shall materially change the political aspect of the world.

The spirit of Liberty is in the ascendant; and the sound of her chariot wheels as she rushes from victory to victory is startling the nations of the earth. Tyrants tremble and the oppressed are lilting up their heads for the day of their redemption draweth nigh. And who can check the march of liberty over the footstool of God? and say to her thus far shalt thon go and no farther? Ah how vain and hopeless such a purpose! As soon will the sun roll his chariot back to the chambers of the morning in obedience to your mandate; and the wild turmoil of ocean—lashed into the utmost