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Athenæan Hall, July 30, 1845.

Rev. Leander Ker,
Rev. Leander Ker, Dr. Sir: We, the committee on behalf of the Athenæan Society, beg leave to tender you their most sincere thanks for the very able, instructive and eloquent address, which you delivered before them this morning, and would respectfully request a copy of the same for publication.

Very respectfully,
R. E. Turner, Committee.
A. F. Denny,
W. P. Clarkson,

Columbia, July 31, 1845.

Gentlemen: Your polite note is before me, requesting a copy of my address of yesterday. I am grateful for your kind and attentive attention and flattering considerations given to me and expressed in your note, and comply with your request, and with the copy please accept of my sincerest wishes and prayers for your own, and your society’s welfare.

I have the honor to be, young gentlemen, with grateful recollections, your ob’t servant,

Leander Ker,
Chaplain U. S. A.

R. E. Turner, Committee.
A. F. Denny,
W. P. Clarkson,