Page:The History of Liberty.djvu/34

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dreams of a morbid sentimental philanthropy which never can be realized: Think you that the lazy, dreaming, sensual and effeminate Asiatic will ever overtake the European in moral, and intellectual stature and keep pace with him in his continually increasing velocity of advancement in science, arts and arms? or do you think that the African can be brought up to the intellectual stature of the Asiatic? if you think so, you have as little understanding of their actual condition, habits mental and physical—as you have knowledge and faith in that prophecy which assigns to each and all their respective allotments. We, the descendants of Japheth, must increase, they must decrease.

We must meet our destiny, and our high calling as a people. Truth calls, humanity calls, the nations of the earth, that see the star of Liberty rising higher and higher and growing brighter and brighter in the western world, call upon us, as they begin to feel its vivifying light and warmth, to preserve its brilliancy that they may find their way out of the darkness of despotism and walk in its light, and repose beneath its smiles.

Go then young gentlemen, and under the abiding and controlling principles and truths of Liberty and your high destiny prepare yourselves for those events in progress and embryo which are hastening to a crisis whose deep shadows already begin to spread along the political landscape of the world.

Interesting is the period—, the times and the age in which your lot is cast; and more interesting will these be when you quitting your pacific halls of science, and your academic groves, you shall have to take a part in the active scenes and events which are now in their incipient progress. Then, for that Liberty of whose origin—character and career you have this day been the silent and inactive listeners, you may have to raise your arms in strife and blood, or your voice in defending her sacred character and name; and in distant lands beneath the setting sun whither the star and empire of Liberty are taking their way, you may cherish her with your councils, direct her by your wisdom and consecrate her by your blood. How momentous the duty—how delightful and enobling such a task! and how requisite the preparation for the same! Liberty demands mind, intellect, knowledge, large and varied with virtue pure and lofty in all her sons; and with these she insures success and victory over all her foes, hut when these are wanting she spreads her wings, like the eagle, and flies to her native heaven.

Aim at knowledge deep and varied: cherish sentiments of