Page:The History of Oregon Bancroft 1888.djvu/550

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the satisfaction of everybody." General Crook was a man of quiet determination, and the people of Oregon and Idaho expected great things of him. Nor were they disappointed, for to him is due the credit of subduing the hostile tribes on the Oregon and California frontier, and in Idaho. When the war began, eastern Oregon was for the most part a terra incognita, and the Oregon cavalry had spent four years in exploring it and tracking the Indians to their hitherto unknown haunts. And now the most efficient officers decided that the Indians must be fought in the winter, and Steele, after brief observation, adopted the theory. Then Governor Woods had thrown into the field the best possible aids to the troops in his two companies of Indian allies.

When Crook assumed command in the Boisé district the Indians were already hemmed in by a cordon of camps and posts, with detachments continually in the field harassing and reducing them. About the middle of December Crook took the field with forty soldiers and a dozen Warm Spring allies. On the Owyhee he found a body of about eighty warriors prepared for battle. Leaving ten men to guard camp, he attacked with the remainder, fighting for several hours, when the savages fled, leaving some women and children and thirty horses in his hands. Twenty-

    inf., co. E, 8th cav. Fort Walla Walla, Lt Oscar I. Converse, co. D, 8th cav. Fort Stevens, Capt. Leroy L. James, co. C, 2d art. Cape Hancock, Capt. John I. Rogers, co. L, 2d art. Fort Steilacoom, Capt. Chas H. Peirce, co. E, 2d art. San Juan Island, Capt. Thomas Grey, co. I, 2d art. Fort Vancouver, Col G. A. H. Blake, 1st U. S. cav. , field, staff, and band; Bvt lieut-col Albert O. Vincent, co. F, 2d art.; Capt. William Kelly, co. C, 8th cavalry. Vancouver Arsenal, Bvt capt. L. S. Babbitt, det. ordnance corps. Camp Watson, Bvt. lieut-col Eugene M. Baker, co. I, 1st cav.; Lieut Amandus C. Kistler, co. F, 14th inf. Camp Logan, Lieut Charles B. Western, 14th inf., co. F, 8th cav. Fort Klamath, Capt. F. B. Sprague, co. I, 1st Or. inf. volunteers. Boisé District: Fort Boisé, Bvt maj.-gen. George Crook, 23d inf.; Bvt col James B. Sinclair, co. H, 14th inf. Camp Three Forks, I. T., Bvt lieut-col John J. Coppinger, cos A and F, 14th inf. Camp C. F. Smith, Capt. J. H. Walker, co. C, 14th inf. Camp Warner, Capt. P. Collins, cos B and D, 14th inf.; Bvt major Edward Myers, co. H, 1st cavalry. Camp Lyon, I. T., Capt. James C. Hunt, co. M, 1st cav. Off. Arm. Regis., 1866, 67; Portland Oregonian, Dec. 22, 1 866. Capt. David Perry superseded Marshall at Fort Boisé in the interim before Crook's arrival; and Major Rheinhart, 1st Or. inf., was in command at Fort Klamath during the summer of 1866.