Page:The History of Oregon Bancroft 1888.djvu/625

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to take the war-path as soon as he should quit the lava-beds; and these occurrences, becoming known, caused much alarm.

On the 31st a movement by the troops in force was made, three hundred marching to the upper end of Klamath Lake, and thence on the 1st of April to Tule Lake and the lava-beds, Mason's position being two miles from the stronghold, on the east side. On the 2d the Modocs signified their willingness to meet the peace commissioners at a point half-way between headquarters and the stronghold; but Jack only reiterated his terms, which were a general amnesty, Lost River, and to have the troops taken away. The only concession made was his consent to having a council-tent erected at a place on the lava-field a mile and a quarter from the camp of the commissioners.

Again on the 4th a request was made by Jack for an interview with Meacham, Roseborough, and Fairchild at the council-tent. They went, accompanied by Riddle and Toby, and found Jack, with six warriors and the women of his family. Again Jack and Sconchin demanded the Lost River country and their freedom. He was assured that it was useless talking about Lost River, which they had sold, and which could not be taken back. When reminded of the killing of the settlers, Jack declared that if the citizens had taken no part in the fight of the 29th the murders would not have taken place; and finally said that he would say no more about Lost River if he could have a reservation in California, including Willow, Cottonwood, and Hot creeks, with the lava-beds; but this also was pronounced impracticable. The council, which lasted five hours, was terminated by the Indians suddenly retiring, saying if their minds were changed on the morrow they would report.

On the following morning Boston Charley brought a message from Jack to Roseborough, asking for an other interview, to which consent was refused until Jack should have made up his mind; when Boston