Page:The History of Oregon Bancroft 1888.djvu/792

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774 \n INDEX. \n 202; settlement at, 1853, 331-4;

hist of coal fields, 743. Coos county, created, ii. 254; hist, of,

709. Coppinger, Bvt Lt-col I. I., com d

Camp Three Forks, ii. 532. Conquilles, the, attitude of, ii. 234;

fight with, 235-8; trouble with,

391. Corbett, H. W., U. S. senator, biog.,

ii. 639, 667, 764; library director,

694; of W. V. R. R. Co., 697; of Or.

Cent. R. R., 698; of Or. R, R. & N.

Co., 704.

Cornelius, Benjamin, biog., i. 528. Cornelius, Florentine Wilkes, biog.,

i. 531.

Cornelius, Saml, missionary, ii. 683. Cornelius, T. R., pion. 45, i. 525; of

council, 1856-9, ii. 417, 429, 432,

434; senator, 1860-70, 452, 665,

666, 668, 671; col of Or. vols, 491;

resigns, 493; director Or. Cent. R.

R., 699. Cornwall, I. A., pion. 46, i. 568;

biog., 570; Presb. minister, 682. Cornwall, P. B., bearer of Masonic

charter, ii. 31.

Corvallis county, hist, of, ii. 707. Couch, I. H., on Columbia, i. 221,

245, 466; White s interference

with, 281; mem. P. L. L. C,, 296-7;

director Or. Printing Assoc., 536;

treasurer, 606, 612. Counties, hist, of, ii. 706-726; min eral resources of, 754-5. Cow creek, Ind. depredations, ii. 381. Cow creek Inds, land purchased

from, ii. 319.

Cowan, Robert, biog., i. 633. Cowlitz, bark, 250-1. Cowlitz valley, i. Ind. troubles in, ii.

67, 68. Cox, Jesse, of court convention, ii.

423. Cox, Joseph, pion. 47, i. 625; biog.,

630; of court convention, ii. 423. Cox, T. H., pion. 47, i. 625; biog.,

630; of Or. Cent. R. R., ii. 698. Coyle, R. S., of const, convention, ii.


Craft, Charles, biog., i. 527. Craig, I. T., of anti-slavery party, ii.

359. Craig, Wm, at Lapwai, i. 649; leaves

Clearwater, 697; agent to Nez

Perces, 721.

Crain, J. H., biog., i. 629. Cranston, Lt Arthur, in Modoc war,

killed, 616, 520; biog., 624. \n Cravigan, Rich., murder of, ii. 576.

Cravigan, W., murder of, ii. 576.

Crawford, David, explores Puget Sound, i. 463-4.

Crawford, John Davis, biog., i. 631.

Crawford, Medorarn, pion. 42, i. 76, 256; biog. and bibliog., 265; mem. P. L. L. C., 297; of legislature, ii. 59, 452; signs memorial, 127; col lector, 670.

Crawford, Peter W., biog. and bibliog., i. 646-7.

Creighton, N. M., supports Gov. Lane, ii. 93.

Cresson, Capt., in Modoc war, ii. 622.

Crocker, N., death, i. 199-200, 256.

Crockett, John, com. of Island co., ii. 299.

Crook county, hist, of, ii. 710.

Crook, Geo., Lt-col, relieves Mar shall, ii. 531; actions of, 532-45.

Crooks, I. M., in Ind. exped., ii. 313.

Crosby, Capt. N., piloting, ii. 26; mill sold to, 50.

Crouch, W. H., wounded, ii. 383.

Crow, James, murder of, ii. 477.

Cullen, John. W., lieut of Or. vols., ii. 510; acts of, 512.

Cully, I. W., elected to senate 1858, ii. 432.

Culver, C. P., editor, i. 575.

Culver, Saml, favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255; Ind. agent, 312; anti-slav ery party, 359; signs petition, 376.

Cunningham, Joseph, biog., i. 527.

Curly- headed doctor, in Modoc war, ii. 575, 576, 599; surrenders, 627.

Currency and prices, 13-15; ii. 796-8.

Curry county, established, ii. 415; hist, of, 710.

Curry, Geo. B., of Or. vols, ii. 491; exped. of, 496, 499; in com d of Columbia dist, 515; retires, 517.

Curry, Geo. L., editor, i. 57-5; loan commis r, 671, 672; of legislature, ii. 58, 59, 158; acting sec., 69; post master, 187; apptd gov., character, 348; biog., .349; procla mation, 384; calls out vols, 399; message, 435; nomination, 444.

Curry, Thomas, biog. of, ii. 713.

Curtis, E. I., favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255.

Crump, James T., biog., i. 571.

Cyclops, ship, wrecked, ii. 300. \n D \n Daily Advertiser, newspaper, ii. 448. \n IND