Page:The History of Oregon Bancroft 1888.djvu/798

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780 \n ITSTDEX. \n Gibbs, A. C., revised Or. laws, ii. 150; att y, 158; biog., 181-2; of H. of Rep., 1852, 1SGO, 296, 452; collec tor, 309; commis. to settle claims. 321; governor, off l acts, 509, 637, 638, 644; aspirant for U. S. senate, 667; death of, 763.

Gibbs, Geo., deputy collector at As toria, ii. 81, 104; biog., 104.

Gibbs, John, in Ind. exped., killed, ii. 313.

Gilbert, Isaac N., biog., i. 469.

G.lleri, Col A. C., assumes com d, ii. 595; acts in Modoc war, 606-23.

Gille.spie, John, killed, ii. 383.

Gilliam co ty, hist, of, ii. 711.

Gilliam. Cornelius, gen. of immigrants, i. 449; biog., 449, 725; buffalo hunt ing, 450; bombast, 457, 681-2; ex- plor. party, 531, 567; supt of postal, 614; col com d t, 676; speech to army, 708; death, 725.

Gilliland, Isaac, biog., i. 647.

Gilmore, Matthew, member prov. govt, 1844, i. 427, 431.

Cilmore, S. M., supports Gov. Lane, ii. 93; of H. of Rep., 1850, 1860, 143, 452; biog., 143; delegate to convention, 418.

Gilpin, Major, life in Or., i. 223; with Fremont, 420.

Glasgow, Thos W., at indignation meeting, ii. 162.

Gleason, Sam l, in Snake river mas sacre, ii. 472.

Glover, William, biog., i. 636.

Godwin, Charles, wounded, ii. 383.

Goff, David, biog., i. 544; explor. party, 544; leaves for Ft Hall, 551- 2; guides immigrants, 558.

Goffe, T. A., mention of, ii. 765.

Gold disc, in Cal., ii. 42, 43; disc, of, 1850-2,174-204, searches for, 478-80.

Gold epoch, decadence of, ii. 337-8.

Gold-hunter, steamer, ii. 705.

Goldsborough, L. M., in survey ex ped., ii. 248.

Goldsby, John, wounded, ii. 383.

Good, D. H., biog., i. 270.

Goodhue, Samuel, exploring party, 1846, i. 544; biog., 544.

Goodrich, C. L., purchases Or. Specta tor, 1854, discontinued, i. 575.

Goodwyn, Thos Jefferson, biog. of, ii.

714. Goodyear, M., with missionaries, i.

127. Gordon, John, writes McLoughlin, i. \n Gordon, Harvey, nominated state printer, biog., ii. 637.

Government, provisional, 1843, i. 280- 1; organization, 292-314; election of officers, 293; expenses of, 443; seat proposals, 536.

Governor, salary, i. 432; power, 476- 7. _

Gracie, Lieut Arch., at Ind. council, ii. 362.

Graham, David, attacked by Inds, ii. 523.

Grammar, Nez Perce, i. 335.

Grande Ronde, emigrants arrive, i. 401; military reservation, ii. 397.

Grant co ty, hist, of, ii. 711.

Grant, Jas, at Fort Hall, i. 42, 261.

Grasshoppers, destruction by, ii. 342.

Grave creek, fight at, ii. 381-3.

Graves, S. C., favors newter. scheme, ii. 255.

Gray, James, del. to convention, 1857, ii. 418.

Gray, Thomas, death of, ii. 370.

Gray, W. H., names Columbia river, i. 24; missionary, 126; journey to Ft Vancouver, 126-35; returns east, 136; attacked by Inds, 136; on. the Dalles miss., 163-4; builds Or. in stitute, 203; oppose!? White, 264; hist. Or., 301-2; sec. of Champoeg, convention, 303; leg. com., 1842, 304; deserts Whitman, 340, 343; legislator, 1745, 472, 481, 488; re turns to Astoria, 584; residence, 588; left for Cal., 1848, ii. 47.

Great Britain, blows at interests, 1843, i. 313; occupation Col R., 363; jur isdiction, 366, claim disputed, 383- 4; treatment of U. S., 597.

Green, Col, actions in Modoc war, ii. 573-629.

Green, J., ship-building, 247.

Greenback question, ii. 640-3.

Greenhow, on term Oregon, i. 24.

Greenwo d, Wm, biog., i. 753; sen ator, 1862-5, ii. 638, 665.

Greer, I. B., nominated state treas urer, ii. 638.

Gregory & Co., express co. of. ii. 339.

Gregory, XVI., Pope, Or. created to an apostolic vicariate, Dec. 1843, i. 326.

Grey, Capt. Thomas, comd at S. Juan Island, ii. 432.

Griffin, Buford B., biog., i. 752.

Griffin, Rev. J. S., missionary, i. 238-9, 244; ineligible for gov r, 305; ed first paper, 335.

Griffith, Elisha, biog., i. 529. \n IND