Page:The History of Oregon Bancroft 1888.djvu/805

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X. \n 787 \n the Dalles miss., 163-6, 190, 242; meets Sutter, 165; marries, 182-3; at Clatsop miss., 185; proselyting, 320; on Whitman, 343.

Lee, E. Trumrell, Presb. minister, ii. 681.

Lee, H. A. G., character, i. 455; legis lator, 1845, 472, 474, 481, 493; edi tor, 575; com d Or. army, 730, 732; supt Ind. affairs, 730-2; resigns, ii. 62.

Lee, Jason, character, i. 56-8, 61-3, 214, 220-1; miss, trip to Or., 59-65, 73; builds miss., 79-80; miss, work, 81, 160; relation to Kelley, 94; meets U. S. agent, 102; meets Parker, 113; receives Whitman s party, 135; Willamette cattle co., 140-3; marries, 159; as a colonizer, 166-8, 184, 190-8, 201-18, 226; me morial to congress, 168-9, 172-7; goes east, 169-78, 183, 318-20; death of wife, 170; again marries, 177, 183; censured, 183; supt of missions, 190; ii. 677; among the Umpquas, i. 192-6; quarrel with White, 196- 7; trustee Or. institute, 201-2; dis pute Willamette falls, 203; duplicity Or. city claim, 214-16; opposes Mc- Loughlin, 215-18; superseded as supt, 218; death, 220; at Willamette miss., 230; meets Wilkes, 246; on Or. question, 372.

Lee, Nicholas, biog., i. 753; school trustee, ii. 678.

Lee, Wilson, biog., i. 571-2.

Leese, J. P., in S. F. bay, i. 144; Or. pioneer, 266.

Leggett, Thomas, co. assessor, i. 612.

Legislature, first meeting, i. 305; ju diciary laws proposed, 306-10; pro ceedings, 427-45, 680-1; ii. 58-63, 72-9, 141-72, 296-8, 322-9, 349-54, 413-15, 417-18, 429-30, 436-8, 443- 4, 452-4, 475, 637-76; oath, i. 473; power, 475-6; act for raising army, 680-1; criticism on acts, ii. 54, 55; hrst meeting; amendts., 1887, 762.

Leisler, James, claim of, ii. 321.

Lemon, John, biog., i. 527.

Lennox, David, T.. biog., i. 421; school trustee, ii. 684.

Leonard, shooting scrape; ii. 37.

Leonard Sam l, murder of, ii. 523.

Leslie, Aurelia, death, i. 200.

Leslie, Rev. D. , at Willamette, miss., i. 161; on school com., 201; trustee Or. Institute, 202; names Salem. 222; justice of peace, 236; chairman at public meeting, 293; attempts \n revival, 320; chaplain of council, ii. 72; university trustee, 299; Meth. preacher, 677.

Leslie, Satira, marriage, death, i. 199-200.

L Etoiie du Martin, brig, i. 326; ii. 48.

Lewes, J. L., appearance, character, i. 38.

Lewis, C. H., biog. of, ii. 764-5.

Lewis, co ty, nan^ed, i. 493; created, 538; E. limits defined, ii. 166.

Lewis, H. C., of court convention, ii. 423.

Lewis, James, settler, i. 458.

Lewis, Joe, informs Indians of con spiracy to poison, i. 652-3.

Lewis, W. B., in fight with Inds, ii. 377-8; capt. of vols, 379.

Lewiston, founding of ii. 482.

Libraries, hist, of, ii. 694.

Light Houses, ii. 248.

Limerick, L.. del. to convention 1857. ii. 418.

Lincoln, Abraham, offered governor ship, declined, ii. 139.

Lindsay, J. J., biog., i. 754.

Linenberger, David, biog., i. 753.

Linn city, named, i. 536; co ty seat, ii. 151; flood at, 483; hist, of, ii. 715, 716.

Linn co ty, hist, of, ii. 715-16.

Linn, Lewis F., presents Or. memor ial, i. 176; bills of, 217-18, 372-81; on Or. question, 349; occupation Or. ter., 370; biog., 381.

Linnton, named, i. 415.

Linnville, Harrison, leads immigrants, i. 559; legislator, ii. 58; school fund commis r, 299 ;R. R. commis r, 696.

Lippincott, wounded, i. 561.

Liquor, laws regarding, i. 249. 281, 437, 537-9; efforts to suppress traffic, ii. 37.

Literature, hist, of, ii. 691-2.

Little, Anthony, favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255.

Little-Dalles, shipwreck at Falls, 1838, i. 316.

Littlejohn, P. B. , missionary, i. 239- 40, 244; with White, 268-9; drown ing of son, 272; tour, 342; Llama, ship, i. 143, 144, 201.

Lloyd, John, biog., i. 529.

Lloyd, W. W., biog., i. 529.

Loan, negotiation, i. 671; correspon dence, i. 672-5.

Loan Commissioners, petition people amount obtained, difficulty in obtaining cash, i. 675-6.

Locke, A. N., biog., i. 635. \n