Page:The History of Oregon Bancroft 1888.djvu/809

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EX. \n 791 \n McNamee, Job. biog, i. 528.

McNary, Laodicea, biog., i. 531.

McTavish, Dugal, at Ft Vancouver, i. 42; County Judge, resigns, ii. 62.

Meadows, Joseph, exped. of, ii. 305.

Meacham, Sup t, official acts of, 552, 558-67; relieved, 567; come to Mo- docs, act of, 595-612; wounded, 612; at trial, 635.

Meacham John, Ind. agent, ii. 563; report of, 565.

Meara, Serg t, in fight at lava beds, killed, ii. 542, 544.

Measles, devastating, i. 648-50, 653.

Meek, Joseph L., biog., i. 244; cham- peog convention, 303-4; sheriff, 304; marshal, 497; mem. of leg., 604; messenger to congress, 676-9, 756; debut at Wash., 757-8; acts in Al bion affair, ii. 105; col of militia, 325.

Meek, S. H. L., founds Oregon city, i. 205; meets White s party, 258; guide, 512; life threatened, 513-15; petitions for road charter, 532.

Meek, William, biog., i. 637.

Meigs, C. R., of court convention, ii. 423.

Menes, Captain, biog., i. 326-7.

Menestry, Father, arrives in 1847, i. 326.

Mengarini, on term Oregon, i. 19.

Mercedes, ship, ii. 48.

Merritt, F. W., in Ind. exped., ii. 240.

Merrill, Ashbel, biog., i. 637.

Merrill, Joseph, biog., 2. 635-6.

Mesplie, T., arrives in 1847, i. 326.

Metcalfe, R. B., in Ind, exped., ii. 316; claim of, 321; Ind. agent, 360.

Methodist church, missionaries, acts of, i. 54-65, 154-83, 184-225; affairs investigated, 219-21; Wilkes visit miss, 247; missions, descript., of, 292-3, 311, 660; Whitman purchases miss, 644; hist, of, ii. 677-8

Military Posts, location, object, i. 374-6; opinion for establishing 381; established 1848-50, ii. 83-7.

Military reservations, declared, ii. 89-92; U, S. court decision, 91. Grande ronde, 397.

Military roads, appropriations for, ii. 75, 305-6, 436.

Military, situation, ii. 344-7.

Militia, law enacted, ii. 324; organ ized, 386

Millar, Mrs, injured on the Gazelle, ii. 340, \n Millar, Rev. I. P., killed on the Ga zelle, ii. 340.

Miller, C. H., in Ind exped., ii. 497.

Miller, G. M., founds Florence, ii. 757.

Miller, H. F., conduct in Modoc af- fair, ii. 565, 569; death of, 576.

Miller Island, mil. reser., 1850, ii. 89.

Miller, Joaquin, works of, ii. 692.

Miller, Jacob W., killed, ii. 383.

Miller, John F., of H. of rep., 1853- 4, ii. 323: nominated Gov., 638; com. of board of agric., 661; Or. Cent. R. R., 699.

Miller, John K., killed on the Ga zelle.

Miller, John S., claim of, ii. 321; lieut of vols, 386; of H. of rep., 1856-7, 417; school trustee, 685.

Miller, Minnie M., works of, ii. 692.

Miller, Rich., of council, 1850, ii. 142; of const, convention, 423.

Miller, Wm, del. to convention 1857, ii. 418.

Miller, Lieut, W. H., in Modoc war, ii. 589, 616, 622.

Mill Creek, Waiilatpu mission, i. 337.

Mills, at Ft Vancouver, i. 9, 234; Chemeketa plains, 192; Willamette falls, 203-8, 211-13, 217, 222.

Mills, Y. I., killed by Inds, ii. 312.

Milton, founders of, ii. 252, town des troyed.

Milton Creek, mill on, ii. 50.

Milwaukie, schr, ii. 48.

Milwaukie, founding of, ii. 251.

Mines, discovery of, John Day Pow der river, ii. 479; hist, of, 738-44.

Mining, hist, of, ii. 738-44; revival of, products, etc., 754.

Mint, question of, 1849, ii. 52-3.

Minto, John, biog. and bibliog., i. 451-2; joins Cal. exped,, 679; of H. of rep., 1862-3, 1868, ii. 638, 668.

Minto, Martha, biog. and bibliog., i. 451-2.

Missionaries, labors of, i. 17, 54, 78- 138, 154-225, 318-30; agric. under, 80-4, 192-3; women as, 125-38; ig norance of hygiene, 190; opposed to White, 280 ; treat, of immigrants, 416.

Missionary republic, failure, i. 470-1.

Missionary, wives, outrages upon, i. 662-3.

Missions, buildings, i. 78-80; un- healthiness of, 86; Calapooya, 163; Clatsop, 185; Nisqually, 188; Dalles, 190; diseases at, 190; land grabbers, 313.

Mission Life Sketches, bibliographi cal, i. 287,