Page:The History of Oregon Bancroft 1888.djvu/818

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00 \n INDEX. \n Seal of state, ii. 444.

Seaman, Nelson, killed by Inds, ii.


Sears, Franklin, biog., i. 469. Secession, proposed, 1842, i. 306. Seletza, Indian chief, i. 684. Selitz reservation, condition of Inds,

ii. 412.

Seroc, Joseph, killed by Inds, ii. 395. Settlement, difficulties attending, i.


Settlers, privileges to, i. 257; occupa tion, 786-7; rights of, ii. 285-6. Saxton, Charles, bibliog., i. 508-9. Seymour, Admiral, writes McLough-

lin, i. 497. Shacknasty Jim, acts in Modoc war,

ii. 599, 627; surrenders, 627. Shagaratte, L., death of, i. 82. Shane, J., killed by Inds, ii. 315. Shannon, Davis, of const, convention,

ii. 423. Shark, U. S. schr, 584-5; wrecked,


Shark house, variety of uses, i. 588. Shastas, The, trouble with, ii. 238-45, Shasta valley, gold discovered, ii.

185. Shattuck, E. D., candidate for legis.,

ii. 337; promulgates rep. doctrines,

418; of const, convention, 423; of

H. of Rep., 1858-9, 434; library

director, 694; Or. Cent. R. R. Co.,

698. Shaw, A. R. C,, exploring party, i.


Shaw, Hilyard, early settler, ii. 299. Shaw, T. G., exploring party, i. 532. Shaw, Wm, biog., i. 449; explores

Puget Sound, 453-4; Capt. of Co.,

703; left for Cal., ii. 47; of H. of

Rep., 142.

Shea, 0. , attacked by Inds, ii. 534. Sheil, Edw., military comdr, ii. 314;

of council, 1857-8, 429; elected to

congress, 450. Shelton, Isaac, attacked by Inds, ii.

373. Shepard, Mrs, work at mission, i.

160. Shephard, Cyrus, missionary, i. 59;

character, 60; at Ft Vancouver, 80;

Willamette miss, 158-61; marriage,

159; death, 182,

Shephard, W. F., killed, ii. 464. Sherman, Gen., acts in Modoc affair,

ii. 602, 605.

Sherry, Ross, biog., i. 528. Sherwood, Lt W. L., attempt murder

of, ii. 612-3. \n Shields, Jas, of const convention, ii.

423. Shillingbow, Adam, murder of, ii.

577. Shipping, arrivals and departures, ii.

48-9; river and ocean, 340-1; hist.

of building, 727-9. Shirley, James Quincy, biog. of, ii.

723. Shively, John M., biog., i. 614; left

for Cal., ii. 47. Shnebley, D. J., editor and proprietor

Or. Spectator.

Shroeder, John, murder of, ii. 577. Shrum, Nicholas, of const, conven tion, ii. 423.

Shoalwater bay, examined, ii. 248. Short, Amos M., squatter, trial of, ii.

90; land claim, 278-9. Short, H. R. M. B., surveys Portland,

i. 792. Short, R. V., of const, convention, ii.

423. Shortess, Robt, petition of, i. 207-11;

character, 207; mem. col govt, 301,

304; scheme, 313; assists immi grants, 410; judge, 496; injured on

the Gazelle, ii. 340. Shoshone, steamer, ii. 547. Shoshone war, 1866-8, ii. 512-54. Shoshones, The, outrages by, ii. 216. Shumard, B. F., expedt. of, ii. 300. Silcott, John M., claim of, ii. 321. Silvie de Grasse, ship, ii. 48; wrkd,49I Simon, Joseph, biog. of, ii. 765. Simmons, Andrew J., biog., i. 631. Simmons, Christopher, first child, i.

464. Simmons, M. F , biog., i. 449; explores

Puget Sound, 463-4; of H. of Rep.,

ii, 72; at indignation meeting, 162. Simmons, Sam l, biog., i. 530; college

trustee, ii. 686; R. R. commis r,

696. Simpson, Anthony, Presb. minister,

ii. 681. Simpson, Ben of H. of Rep., ii. 143,

158, 638; biog., 143; surveyor gen.,

295; mem. of council, 323. Simpson, Sir George, feud with Mc-

Loughlin, i. 37; tries murderer of

McLoughlin, jr, 236; visits Or., 250

-1; settlement policy, 316; letter

of, ii. 108.

Simpson, Sam l L., works of, ii. 692. Sims, C., favors new terr. scheme, ii.


Sims, John, murder of, ii. 489. Sinclair, Col. J. B., at Fort Boise, ii.

519. \n IND