Page:The History of Oregon Bancroft 1888.djvu/824

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806 \n INDEX \n Welaptulekt, Des Chutes chief, friendly, i. 709.

Welch, Henry C., biog., i. 527.

"Western, Lieut Chas B., com d at Camp Logan, ii. 532.

Weoton, emigrant rendezvous, i. 448.

Weston, David, biog., i. 265.

Westport, founded, ii. 252.

Whale fishery, value, 1822, i. 353.

Whaleshead, Ind. attack at, ii. 393, 395.

Wharton, Capt. I. S., com d at Fort Colville, ii. 531.

Whately, shot by Indians, i. 561.

Wheat, yield, 1888, ii. 758.

Wheaton, in com d at Klamath, ii. 573; acts in Modoc war, 584-94; relieved, 595; restored to com d, 624.

Wheelock, O., favors new ter. scheme, ii. 255.

Whidby island, in Puget Sound, i. 464.

Whitcomb, J. L., at Willamette Is., i. 157; leaves miss., 190; marries, 190.

White, Bartholomew, biog., i. 468.

White, Elijah, character, i. 155; at Ft Vancouver, 156. Willamette miss, 157-60; son drowned, 178; at Ft Umpqua, 193; quarrel with Lee, 196-7; opposes Shorter s petition, 210; dispute Willamette Falls, 223; in Washington, 254, 483; Ind. agent, 255, 262-3, 369; immigra tion efforts, 255-62; meeting with Tublette, 257; reception in Or., 262-4; importance of party, 264-5; admin, of Ind. affairs, -265-91; H. B. Co. transactions, 276; leaves Nez Perees, 280; acts against li quor dealers, 281; trial of, 283; gov t drafts, 288; biog., 288-91, 487; feeling against, 296; mem. for col gov t, 301; explores for route, 484-5.

White, James, in Ind. expecl. , ii. 240; killed on the Gazelle, 340.

White, Susan Bowles, biog., i. 627.

Whitaker, John, of H. of rep., ii.

429, 666, 668, 671; elected gov.,

, 431, 432; biog., 431; resignation

asked, 457; mem. to congress, 639,


Whitley, Samuel, biog., i. 633.

Whitman, Dr M., travels, i. 105-9, 124-35; character. 105-7; as sur geon, 107-8; journey to Fort Van couver, 124-35; at Waulatpu, 136; buys the Dalles miss., 224; treat ment of the emigrants, 261, 398-406. \n Whitman, Dr M., the insults to, 330-4; his educational methods, 338-9; asks reenf or cement, 340; miss, to U. S., 342-5; treatment of Inds, 344; difficulties, 345-8; ex pects outbreak, 643-4; obstinacy, 644-5; visits Dalles, 646; attend ing sick, 656-7; murder of, 659.

Whitman, Airs character, i. 125; journey to Ft Vancouver, 125-35; at Waiilatpu, 136; insulted, 268; murder of, 660.

Whitman massacre, 1847, i. 639-68.

Whitman, Perrin B., at Dalles, i. 644, 667.

Whitmore, Brice, in Ind. expedt., ii. 313.

Whitney, William, biog., i. 634; left for Cal., ii. 47.

Whiton, bark, i. 620.

Whittle, interpreter, ii. 598, 599.

Whitted, Thos, of const, convention, ii. 423.

Wilbur, James H., university trustee, ii. 299; peace commis r, 596; nomi nated U. S. senator, 639; Meth. preacher, 677.

Wilcox, Ralph, legislator, ii. 58, 59, 142, 158, 323, 638; biog., 59.

Wilkes, Lt, expedt., i. 246-9; views on gov t, 295.

Wilkinson, Capt. C. M., founds Ind. school, ii. 690.

Wilkinson, Joseph, killed by Inds., ii. 395.

Willamette, name, i. 72.

Willamette cattle co., purpose, i. 141; southern trip, 142-50; attacked by Inds., 148-9; end of, 179.

Willamette falls, dispute over, i. 203.

Willamette mission, built, i. 64-5, 78-80; work at, 81-9, 154-63, 178- 9, 190; arrival of missionaries, 154, 161; hospital, 162; importance, 163; farming plan, 163; failure, 182; converts at, 178-9; quarrels at, 196-8; deaths, 201; sold, 221-2; Blanchet s endeavors, 318-19.

Willamette river, land grants, i. 375; ferry, 440, 443; navigation of, ii. 256; bridged, 746-7.

Willamette university, origin, i. 222.

Willamette valley, configuration, i. 1-2; settlers, 15-17, 66, 73-7, 251, 252, 465; missionaries in, 63-7; cattle introduced, 139-50.

Willamette Valley, Farnham s ob servations, 231 ; White s party in, 262; visited by Park, 498-9; dam ages from freshets, ii. 64., \n IND