Page:The History of a Lie (1921).djvu/38

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same supremacy in the governments. Therefore it is necessary to facilitate loans in order to get them into our hands all the more. Wherever possible, we must take in exchange for capital, mortgages on railroads, taxes, mines, regalia and domains. Furthermore, the stock exchange is a means for the transfer of the belongings of the small people to the hands of the capitalists, by drawing them into stock gambling. Transactions in securities are a splendid invention of our nation. Although the stock exchange members cheat one another sometimes, it is the outsider who always pays in the end.’

“The voice which resounded on the Paris Bourse became silent.

“‘Do the zekenim agree with the opinion of our brother?’ asked the Levite.

“A whisper of approbation was the answer to this question.

“‘Representative of the tribe of Simeon, it is your turn now!’

“A serious, dull voice resounded after this order. Each word was pronounced slowly and thoughtfully:

“‘Ownership of land is always the iron-clad, everlasting possession of every country. This in itself gives power, respect and influence. Therefore, the Jews should secure the possibility of acquiring real estate. It will not be hard to accomplish this, if we acquire movable capital. Therefore it is necessary to facilitate loans on land. Under the fear of scandal we will destroy land wealth and minimize its importance. Ownership of land should be mobilized, if lands are sold as other commodities. The more we help in the breaking up of estates, the more easily will they fall into our hands. Under the pretext of relieving the poor classes, it is necessary to levy all taxes of states and communities on the land owners. When the land is in our hands, the labor of the Christian workers and farmers will give us a tenfold income.’

“He who did not belong to any tribe laughed sneeringly.

“‘This advice is good, but not new. Ask in Paris and in Vienna, who owns the houses there?’

“A whisper of approbation was heard again.

“‘Tribe of Judah, your turn!’

“The voice that resounded was marked with conviction and reminded one of the sound of the Thaller.

“‘Industry, the power of the burgher, which hinders the Jewish nation, must be paralyzed even as agriculture, The manufac-