Page:The History of a Lie (1921).djvu/56

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[For the sake of ilustration, the following extracts, out of many that might be selected, are taken from the Goedsche-Retcliffe novel which were afterwards elaborated and presented as facts.]

first stage of the lie—the novelette

If we will be supreme in the stock exchange, we will attain the same supremacy in the governments. Therefore it is necessary to facilitate loans in order to get them into our hands all the more. Wherever possible, we must take in exchange for capital, mortgages on railroads, taxes, mines, regalias (?) and domains. (Page 32.)

Ownership of land is always the iron-clad, everlasting possession of every country. This in itself gives power, respect and influence. Therefore the Jews should secure the possibility of acquiring real estate. Therefore it is necessary to facilitate the loans on land. The more we will help the breaking up of estates, the more easily they will fall into our hands. (Page 33.)

Industry the power of the burgher, which hinders the Jewish nation must be paralyzed even as agriculture. (Page 34.)

The natural enemy of the Jews is the Christian Church. Therefore we must try to humiliate it, we must instil into it free-thinking, scepticism, and conflicts. Therefore we will first of all start a war on the clergy, we will try to arouse suspicion against it and humiliate it. Let our brethren strive for the abolition of armed force. . . . Not the sword, but reason and money must rule. (Page 35.)

Our nation is conservative to its very root, and clings fast to the old. But our interests demand that we participate, or, rather, direct the movements of nations, It is indisputable that ours is a time of many reforms, whose main purpose is the amelioration of the material condition of the needy classes. But for this the propertied classes must sacrifice their capital. Capital is in the hands of the Jews. Therefore, they must outwardly take part in the movement and try to divert it from social and political reforms. The masses themselves are blind and foolish and permit the shouters to rule over them. . . . The instability of the foundation increases our er and our influence. Therefore the support of every kind of revolution increases our capital and brings us nearer to our goal. (Pages 36–37.)

Of what value are all the opinions and advice given here without the aid of the press? We will attain our aim only when the press will be in our hands. Our people must direct the daily publications. . . . We need great political newspapers which will mold public opinion—criticism, the literature of the street and the stage. In this way we will crowd out the Christians step by step, and will dictate to the world what it should believe in, what it should respect and what it should curse. We will repeat the sorrowful cry of Israel and the complaints against the persecutions which are directed against us. . . . With the press in our hands we can turn wrong into right, dishonesty into honesty. We can shake all foundations and separate families. We can destroy faith in all that our enemies believed until now. We can ruin credits and arouse passions. We can declare war; we can give fame or disgrace. We can uplift or ruin talent. (Page 43.)