Page:The History of a Lie (1921).djvu/80

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to discredit the Jews through the so-called “protocols.”

On page 36 of this volume, Butmi wrote:

“The French Revolution, which ended in the execution of Louis XVI in 1793, was engineered by England with the aid of the Jews and the Judaized Masons. Only the Jews profited by the French Revolution, even as they profited by the English Revolution, attaining in the general turmoil equal rights with the native population of France.”

Discussing the traits of the English people and finding a similarity between them and the Jews, Butmi said on page 38:

“The British traits are well known all over the world—their exceptional selfishness, their inhuman cruelty to foreigners, their inherent instinct of exploitation, their theoretical stupidity are mingled with practical shrewdness and utter brazenness.”

On page 39 he said:

“Meanwhile the Britons have not distinguished themselves in anything, if we are not to take into consideration the fact that being thoroughly incapable of creating their own language, they have by their talent to distort languages given to the present English people a repulsive Judeo-Carthaginian imprint through their shameless self-satisfaction, arrogance and treacherous inclinations.”

On page 41 he said:

“In 1843 the first lodge of the new Jewish union ‘Bnai Brith’ was organized in New York. Gradually this Jewish ‘Bnai Brith’ concentrates in its hands the direction of all Masonic lodges in America, and through them it directs American politics.”