Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/146

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The Hiſtory of

ſiſtory under both kinds after the forme of the former under the obedience of the Archbiſhop, might be granted, and about twelve of them being drawne into the net ſubſcribed; the chiefe of them being Matthew Praczuda (whom they fed on with hopes that he ſhould be promoted to the dignity of Admniniſtrator.) When he perceived himſelfe to be very ſick, ſo that he was ready to die, and calling to mind his former act & deteſting his perfidiouſnes, and dehorting his confederates from that fact, their Stratagems are brought to nothing.

7. Since this exploit of theirs tooke no effect, they went another way to work. The Church of Bethleem which from its firſt foundation was dedicated to the Univerſity, was lately by the Reformation of the Conſiſtory, diſpoſed of to the uſe of the brethren in the year 1609 after the death of the Senior of theſe Matthew Cirus in the year 1607. the Papiſts threaten to ſue them at the law, & endeavor to deprive them of the Church: but the Profeſſor of the Univerſity making uſe of their own right they bring in John Cyrillus for Senior according to their ſolemn form. theſe and the like they made triall of in other places, but ſtill without ſucceſſe.

8.The Burgrave Carelſteinenſis (that is to ſay) the ſafeguard of the Crown and priviledges of the Kingdome) is alſo taken away by the Count Turnenſis, a Preſident never before heard of, and againſt all
