Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/21

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The Bohemian Perſecution.

1. BUt Wenceſlaus was evilly requited for his pitty to his impious mother, for ſhe deſiring to ſubject all Bohemia to Boleſlaus, who imitated her ſuperſtition and manners; began to defame Wenceſlaus, and to ſtir up hatred againſt him as if he were unfit to execute the offices of a Prince, which ought to bee performed, not by ſacred things and ceremonies; but by arms and fighting; at length when ſhe perceived that he was confirmed, and his name began to be glorious, ſhe did not only agitate wicked counſels concerning the taking of him away, but whiſpered them to his Brother.

2. There happened an occaſion ſuitable to her deſire Boliſlaus the infant being born, to whoſe Baptiſme ſhe honourably invites Wenceſlaus to come to Boliſlavia; he going thither, was entertained by his mother and brother with kind imbracements & kiſſes, & with a delicate feaſt, which was held til late of the night, Wenceſlaus when he ſuſpected all things for a reſting place, went to the Church, and there decreed to ſpend the night in ſighs and praiers.

3. Whileſt he was thus buſied, his brother Boliſlaus invades him, being excited by his more vigilant mother, to that wickedneſſe: at firſt he loſt his blow; in regard his ſword by a ſudden amazement, fell out of his hand, but thoſe who were hired as coadjuters in this wickedneſſe, inflamed him with new rage and fury, ſo he repeats his ſtroak and eaſily kills his diſarmed brother who patiently receives his wound. This was done in the year 929, the 28 of September, which was after-

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