Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/322

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The Hiſtory of

errors, but that they abjure their erronious opinions and at length imbrace the true Religion, and ſo return into the boſome of the Catholick Church, and that they do this by the feaſt of the Aſcention, or at utmoſt by Whitſontide, under paine of baniſment from the City, and ejection from the Kingdome of Bohemia, but ſince you have been certified concerning the late Edict made by P. Lichtenſtein of bleſſed memory Vice-roy of Bohemia, in the name and lieu of his ſacred Imperial Majesty, that all priviledge and trade be denied to all your Citizens and Burgers, who are ſchiſmaticks non-Catholicks and not agreeing in religions, with his moſt Imperial Majeſty, as disturbers of peace and concord. And as yet we are not ſatisfied, whether this hath been by you put into execution. If therefore hitherto it hath not, we command you in the name of his Imperiall Majeſty, that you do execute it timely, and ſeriouſly admoniſb all your Citizens and inhabitants, inmates or ſervants of other ſects, elder or younger, who a e non-Catholickes or hold ſchiſma icall opinions, that they ſo farre conſult both for their temporall and eternall advantage, as to return into the boſome of the holy Catholick Church under pain of ſevereſt and inevitable puniſhment, in which buſineſſe you ſhall in good time inform us what hath been by you done, that ſo by this means you may fulfill the will of his Imperiall
