Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/44

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The Hiſtory of

puting ſtrongly, for the innocency of Huſſe, who was unjuſtly condemned, and for the partaking of the Euchariſt in both kinds, was taken, and caſt into priſon.

2. The next day Nicolas de Bethlehem a ſtudent, was caſt into the ſame priſon, who was ſent by the inhabitants of Prague to ſar at Preſlaw; by whom they declared themſelves, that if the Emperour would permit them the cup, they would acknowledge him to be their King; But ſar was very cruell to the meſſenger.

3. Kraſa exceedingly encouraged him with many religious exhortations, rejoycing that he had ſuch a companion in his Martyrdome. Oh my brother, ſaith he, what an honour is this, that we are called to bear witneſſe to the Lord Jeſſus. Let us undergo with chearfulneſſe ſo little trouble! The fight is but ſhoort, but the reward is eternall; Let us remember our Lord, what a cruell death hee underwent for us, and with what guiltleſſe blood we are redeemed, and what torments the Martyrs have patiently endured. With theſe and the like words he was conſtantly exhorting him. But when they were brought to execution, and the ropes by which horſes were to drag them through the City, were tied to their feete; Nicolas being terrified with the thoughts of death, and fed by Fernandus who was then preſent, with the hope of life, preſently
