Page:The History of the Bohemian Persecution (1650).djvu/74

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The Hiſtory of

judgement in this buſineſs. They find there Stephanus the Biſhop, who, another Biſhop, and ſome of the Miniſters being ſent for; they declare unto them their Originall from the time of Constantine, they repeat unto them the Articles of their faith, and what a horrible perſecution they ſuffered for it, both in Italy and in France. Then they hear our men make a report unto them of their departure from the Pope, and the Calixtines which they approve of and congratulate. Moreover, giving power to thoſe three to create Miniſters, they create them Biſhops with the impoſition of hands, and return them to thoſe that ſent them.

5. Our men receive theſe things with joy, and being deſirous of the Chriſtian Unity, they deliberate whether they ſhould join with the Waldenſes, and ſo be one people and one Church. The purity of their Doctrine, and Chriſtian converſation of life, did much pleaſe them. But it again diſpleaſed them that they concealed the truth, neither did openly profeſſe it as they ought, but under a deſire to avoide perſecutions, they frequented the Churches of the Papiſts and communicated with Idolaters. It was concluded that they ſhould be admoniſhed concerning this & other particulars. Therefore ſome able men being ſent againe to them they acquaint the Waldenſes withit, who affirm, that the Propoſition for being in an Unity with them is very gracefull to them. As for
