Page:The History of the Church & Manor of Wigan part 2.djvu/113

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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

There is also an item oi £17 for physic in London and at Wigan, besides physic for the children.

The second parliament of Charles I. met on 6th February, 1626, and whilst bishop Bridgeman was attending it he lodged at Westminster on the Ferry Bank. It will have been at his lodging here that he received the following letter from Lord Viscount Savage, conveying to him his Majesty's gracious acceptance of his service about the loan Royal in Cheshire :—

"My very good lo.

I have acquaynted his Ma. wth yor lo. great zeale to his servyce, the which he takes most graciously att yor hands, and when yor lo. shall see him his Ma. will let you know as much. In the meane tyme he hath comanded the lo. of the counsell to wryte a letter unto my lo. of Derby and yor lo. and to the rest of the comissioners to lett you understand how graciously he doth accept of yor servyces. And my lo. for myself lett me thanke you, and assure you that in the place I live I will serve yor lo. as a faythfull friend, and I pray comend my servyce to yor good wyfe and my best love to yor good sonne, and so in hast I end (meaning shortly to visitt yor lo. wth a letter of such newes as the presentt tyme brings forth) but ever to remayne yor lo. most affectionate and faythfull friend.


This 26 March, 1626."[1]

Here too he was waited upon by Roger Bullock, of Wigan, alderman, who brought to him the will of his uncle Hugh Bullock, late citizen and haberdasher of London, to satisfy him about the detaining of the schoolmaster's wages; and in the said will these words were written:

"Item, I doe graunt, will and devise unto the mayor, aldermen, and burgesses of the town of Wigan aforesaid, and to their successors and assignes for ever, one annuity or yearly rent charge of twenty pounds by

  1. Original letter inter Family Evidences. Sir Thomas Savage, 2nd baronet, was created Viscount Savage, of Rock Savage in the county of Chester, 6th November, 1626.