Page:The History of the Church & Manor of Wigan part 2.djvu/123

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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

Jurisdiccon of those places belonged to them; whereupon his Matie hath directed his l'res to those Majors requiring of them (as yow may see the effect of his Maties l're as directed to the Lo: Major of Yorke, whereof I have sent yow a coppie); Now, I having heard that the Major of Chester in a sort abandoneth your Cathedral Church (though yow have so ordered it that all the service and sermons of the Citty are ended before yours begin), I thought good to send yow this copie, and to pray you both in my name and your owne to shew it to Mr. Major of Chester and his Brethrene, and to move as far forth as the same doth concerne them to p'forme what his Matie in his sayd L're hath commanded other Cities to do. If this course shall take effect the busines wilbe well done, otherwise I shall entreat my Lo: of Canterbury to move his Maty for his L'res to them. I send yow here also the copie of an Order of the Lords of the Starchamber and the Judges resolution touching the legality of our p'ceedings in our Eccl'icall Courts, wch my Lo: of Canterbury hath caused to be registred in all the Temporall and Eccl'icall Courts, and thinketh it fit that the like be done wth vs, wch I pray yow to cause to be done. And so wth my hearty comendacons I commit you to gods blessed p'tec'con, and rest,

"Yor L'ops very loving freind and brother,

R: Ebor.

Bishopthorp, 27 August, 1637.

To ye R. R. father in god, my very good Lo: and brother, the Lo: B'p of Chester, at his house at Lever in Lancashire."[1]

"Copie of his Maties L're to the Lo: Major of York, &c. Signed, Charles R."

"Right trustie & welbeloved, & trusty & welbeloved, wee greet yw well. Whereas, for the p'servation of the solemnity of Divine Service in some of our Cathedrall Churches & for the good of the Inhabitants of those Citties, wee have required the Majors, Aldermen & their Companies to frequent those holy places upon Sundaies and Holidaies wth all due reverence; & that they be there at the beginning of Divine Service; & at their going out & coming in, & while they are there, carry themselves so as becometh them in obedience to the Canons of the Church & the customes of those Cathedralls; requiring also the Majors of those
  1. Cheshire Sheaf, vol. i. p. 3.