Page:The History of the Church & Manor of Wigan part 2.djvu/197

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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

commanded me to chuse you a chaplain) I could not have named one in my Diocese whom I would sooner have recommended to you than this man.[1] Long and long may you rule that kingdom with Honour and Happiness to it and yourself; and, by promoting such as he, ever may you give scholars occasion to pray for you whilst you live, and to bless your memory when you are dead.

I understand you have with like nobleness bestowed your Bounty upon another poor Minister late of Chester, Mr. Thomas Walmesley. Such works as these will go before you into Heaven, and prepare a far greater and enduring Kingdom for you hereafter. In the meantime He that rewardeth a cup of cold water given to His servants will not let such ample Benefits done to His poor Ministers pass unrewarded in this Life: whereof you have already received some Earnest in a general Report, which hath spread the Honour of your Bounty, Justice, Wisdom and Sincerity, more largely than I dare relate unto you, for fear of that which I have ever hated. Flattery.

My Lord, in contemplation of your goodness, in this kind, to such Persons, My Blessing on you, and My Prayer to God for you shall be this, that He that sheweth Mercy unto a Thousand generations will vouchsafe this Boon to your Posterity: that never any out of your Loyns may want such a noble and free Patron and Benefactor unto them as you have been to these, and to myself, who am

your Lordships ever bounden Beadsman and Servant,

Jo. Chester."[2]

Towards the close of the same year the bishop received a letter from the Lord Deputy, commending to him a certain Dr. Mainwareing who was about to move from York to Chester at that time:

"My very good Lord

I understand yt at Yorke wee are like to loose Doctor Mainwareing.[3] Wee should have beene unwilling to part wth him but to yor Lop. Hee hath lived long there in good reputacion, hath seated himselfe prettily well, and it seems he intended to have sett up his rest amongst us, for yt he saith noe other imployment but this of your Lops could have tempted him.

  1. Henry Tilson, vicar of Rochdale, then made Dean of Christ Church, Dublin.
  2. Strafford's Letters, vol. I. p. 271.
  3. Edmund Mainwaring, made Chancellor of the diocese of Chester.