Page:The History of the Church & Manor of Wigan part 2.djvu/202

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History of the Church and Manor of Wigan.

"S. in Xpo

My very good Ld

Your Lp will excuse me that these my Lrs are not soe formall as they are wont to be. The occasion of theyr breifnes is this. You lately gave me a touch in yor owne lres, and I have since understood it more fully by yor Sonne, that there is a Gent in those partes who intends very well towards yt poor Colldge at Manchester, and is willing to part wth some £400 towards the buying in of theyr House, wch is now in the handes of my Ld the Earle of Derbye. I have already spoken wth my Ld Strange about this busynes, and he hath very nobly promised me to doe all fayre offices he can wth my Ld his ffather. Soe yy I conceyve good hopes, by the Kinge's gracious favour, and yor Lp's care in this matter, that Colledge may ere longe recover and flourish againe. And yt which I shall desire of you now is this, yt you will take some good opportunity to speake wth my Ld the E. of Derbye, and my Ld Strange his sonne (being now in those partes) and likewise wth ye Gent above menconed, and dryve ye busynes to as fayre an issue as possibly you can. Whereupon I shall desire you to send me word, yt I may acquaint his Maty and give you such further direcc'ons as shall be necessary. And in this I make noe question but your Lp will use all manner diligence yt shall be fitting. Soe wishing you health I leave you to ye grace of God and rest

your Lp's very loving ffreinde,

W. Cant

Lambeth June 29, 1635."

"S. in Xpo

My very good Lo:

I thanke your Lordp very heartily for your Lettrs and all ye paines you have been att concerning ye colledge of Manchester, wch his Matie is now goeing on wth by way of a new Foundacon. And I shall take care, God willing, to putt your Lordp and your successors ye Bpps of Chester into your ancient right of Visitacon. I hope your sonne is come well to you into those partes, and I assure myselfe he is very mindfull of my busynesse there concerning Whaley. I pray tell him he may safely trust and conferre wth this bearer, Mr John Griffith, about anything that concemes it.

Att this p'sent I heere send your Lordp Lettrs from his Matie to command sequestracon of soe much of ye profitts of Whaley as may enable