Page:The History of the Island of Dominica.djvu/11

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  1. CHAP. I.
  2. DESCRIPTION of the iſland, its ſituation, extent, climate, and other ſubjects; together with an account of the conqueſt of it, its ceſſion to Great Britain, and the diſpoſal of the lands by the crown.Page 1
  3. CHAP. II.
  4. Deſcription of the ſoil, mountains, and woods; of valuable timber, and other trees; alſo of the birds of the woods peculiar to the iſland.17
  5. CHAP. III.
  6. Of the rivers and lakes in the iſland, river and freſh water fiſh, alſo of ſea fiſh, land crabs, and a deſcription of the native quadruped, and other animals.35
  7. CHAP. IV.
  8. Of the moſt remarkable reptiles and inſects of the iſland, their venomous and other qualities, with remarks.51
  9. CHAP. V.
  10. An account of the different articles of Weſt India produce raiſed in the iſland; the number of ſugar and coffee plantations therein, with remarks.72
  11. CHAP. VI.
  12. Names and deſcriptions of particular Weſt India fruits which grow in the iſland; alſo of European and American fruits, herbs, vegetables, and flowers; with obſervations on their properties, &c.86