Page:The History of the Island of Dominica.djvu/82

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The History of the

feet of the inſect appearing at the root, as perfect as when alive.

In the woods of Dominica are vaſt ſwarms of bees, which hive in the trees, and produce great quantities of wax and honey; both of which are equal in goodneſs to any of thoſe articles to be had in Europe.

The muſquitoes and ſand flies are not ſo numerous, or ſo troubleſome in this country, as they are in moſt parts of the Weſt Indies, owing to there being but few ſpots of ſtagnated water, which breeds them.

The muſquito is a ſpecies of the gnat kind, but rather ſmaller than the common gnat in England. The ſand fly is not much larger than the head of a large pin, but is a very tormenting little infect in ſome iſlands, particularly to perſons newly arrived from Europe.
