Page:The History of the Valorous and Wity Knight-Errant, Don-Quixote of the Mancha. Volume two.djvu/23

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Book IV.
Don Quixote

that could find me out, giving Signs of the very Age and Apparel I wore. And I likewise heard it was bruited abroad, that the Youth which came with me had carried me away from my Father's House; A Thing that touched my Soul very nearly, to view my Credit so greatly wreck'd, seeing that it was not sufficient to have lost it by coning away, without the addition of him with whom I departed, being a Subject to base, and unworthy of my loftier Thoughts. Having heard this Cry, I departed out of the City with my Servant, who even then began to give Tokens, that he faulter'd in the Fidelity he had promis'd to me; and both of us together entered the very same Night into the most hidden parts of this Mountain, fearing left we might be found; But as 'tis commonly said, that one Evil calls on another, and, that the End of one Disaster is the Beginning of a greater, so prov'd it with me; for my good Servant, until then faithful and trusty, rather incited by his own Villany than my Beauty, thought to have taken the Benefit of the Opportunity which these uninhabitable Places offer'd, and sollicited me of Love, with little Shame, and less Fear of God, or Respect of my self: And now seeing that I answer'd his Impudencies with severe and reprehensive Words, leaving the Entreaties aside wherewithal he thought first to have compass'd his Will, he began to use his Force; But just Heaven, which seldom or never neglects the just Man's Assistance, did so favour my Proceedings, as with my weak Forces, and very little Labour, I threw him down a steep Rock, and there I left him, I know not whether alive or dead; and presently I enter'd in among these Mountains with more Swiftness than my Fear and Weariness required, having therein no other Project or Design than to hide my self in them, and shun my Father, and others, which by his Entreaty and Means fought for me every where.

Some Months are past since my first coming here, where I found a Herdsman, who carried me to a Village

seated in the midst of these Rocks, wherein he dwelt, and entertain'd me, whom I have serv'd as a Shepherd ever since, procuring as much as lay in me to abide still
