Page:The Hittites - the Story of a Forgotten Empire.djvu/147

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  1. Adah, Esau's Hittite wife, 13.
  2. Aleppo, Hittite inscription at, 62.
  3. Amanus, cedar forests of, 47.
  4. Amazons, the, legend of, 78.
  5. Amenophis III., wars of, 21; marriage of, 21.
  6. Amenophis IV., a heretic king, founds a new capital, 22; discovery of tablets of, 22.
  7. Amorite captives taken by Shishak, 16.
  8. Amorites interlocked with Hittites, 14; possessions of, 14; physical description of, 15; descendants of, 16; history of, 17.
  9. Anakim, height of, 16.
  10. Antarata, the Hittite goddess, 105.
  11. Ararat, king of, suicide of, 51.
  12. Architecture, Hittite, 136.
  13. Argistis I., campaign of, 52.
  14. Arisu the Phoenician, a usurper, 39.
  15. Ark of the prophet Noah, the, 107.
  16. Army, Hittite, 140
  17. Arpad, green-stone axe-head from, 141.
  18. Art, Hittite, 114; Babylonian influence on, 116; Assyrian, 117.
  19. Artemis, worship of, 79.
  20. Ashtoreth, myth of, 110.
  21. Assur-natsir-pal, conquests of, 45; exacts tribute from Carchemish, 46; attacks Azaz, 47.
  22. Assyria, testimony of monuments of, to Hittites, 40; decay of, 43; rise of, 45, 50; influence of, on Hittite art, 117.
  23. Atargatis, the goddess, 105.
  24. Athar-'Ati, the goddess of Carchemish, 105.
  25. Attys, the god, 111.
  26. Axe-heads, green-stone, 141.
  27. Baal of Tarsos, 111.
  28. Babylonian influence on Hittite art, 116.
  29. Bashemath, Esau's Hittite wife, 13.
  30. Beeri the Hittite, daughter of, 13.
  31. Biainas or Van, inscriptions in, 51.
  32. Boghaz Keui, inscription at, 65; Hittite remains at, 87; position of, 87; palace at, 89; wall-sculptures at, 89; a sanctuary, 93; texts at, 93.
  33. Boots, Hittite, 80, 89.
  34. Bor, Hittite text at, 94.
  35. Boscawen, Mr., his purchase of green-stone axe-head, 141.
  36. Boss of Tarkondemos, 127; bilingual inscription on, 129.
  37. Bronze figures, Hittite, 117.
  38. Buckle, origin of Greek, 120.
  39. Bulgar Dagh, silver mines at, 94.
  40. Burckhardt, his discovery at Hamah, 56.
  41. Canaan, sons of, 13.
  42. Carchemish, strength of, 43; pays tribute to Assur-natsir-pal, 46; maneh of, 46; fall of, 50; questions as to site of, 97; identification of, 98; visited by Mr. George Smith, 98; the site bought, 99; remains of, 99; history of, 99; battle of, 100; a holy city, 100; situation of, 100; the deities of, 104; trade of, 138.
  43. Cedar, forests of Amanus, 47.
  44. Chariots, Hittite, 139.
  45. Cheroki Indian, syllabary of, 124.
  46. Cities of Refuge, Hittite, 113; Hebrew, 114.
  47. Cloth, Hittite, 142.
  48. Conder, Major, on the Ark of the prophet Noah, 107.
  49. Country, Hittite hieroglyph representing, 81.
  50. Cromlechs of Libyans, 17.
  51. Cuneiform tablets, from Kaisarlyeh, 126.
  52. Cylinders, Hittite, 118.
  53. Cyprus, syllabary used in, 132.