Page:The Hittites - the Story of a Forgotten Empire.djvu/37

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  1. 'Sutekh of the city] of Tunep,[1]
  2. 'Sutekh of the land of Kheta,
  3. 'Sutekh of the city of Arnema,
  4. 'Sutekh of the city of Zaranda,
  5. 'Sutekh of the city of Pilqa,
  6. 'Sutekh of the city of Khisasap,
  7. 'Sutekh of the city of Sarsu,
  8. 'Sutekh of the city of Khilip (Aleppo),
  9. 'Sutekh of the city of …,
  10. 'Sutekh of the city of Sarpina,
  11. 'Astarta[2] of the land of Kheta,
  12. 'The god of the land of Zaiath-khirri,
  13. 'The god of the land of Ka…,
  14. 'The god of the land of Kher…,
  15. 'The goddess of the city of Akh…,
  16. '[The goddess of the city of…] and of the land of A… ua,
  17. 'The goddess of the land of Zaina,
  18. 'The god of the land of …nath …er.

'[I have invoked these male and these] female [gods of the land of Kheta, these are the gods] of the land, [as witnesses to] my oath. [With them have been associated the male and the female gods] of the mountains and of the rivers of the land of Kheta, the gods of the land of Qazauadana, Amon, Ra, Sutekh, and the male and female gods of the land of Egypt, of the earth, of the sea, of the winds, and of the storms.

'With regard to the commandment which the silver tablet contains for the people of Kheta and for the people of Egypt, he who shall not observe it shall be given over [to the vengeance] of the company of the

  1. Now Tennib in Northern Syria.
  2. Also read Antarata.