Page:The Holy Bible faithfvlly translated into English ovt of the authentical Latin, diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greek, & other Editions in diuers languages.pdf/42

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Noe with his familie, and paires of al kinds of beasts and foules, being entred into the arke, 12. it raineth fourtie daies and fourtie nights. 21. Al men and other liuing creatures on the earth, without the arke, are destroyed.

AND our Lord said to him: Get thee in, thou and al thy house into the arke; for I haue seen thee iust [1] in my sight in this generation. 2Of al beasts that are [2] cleane, thou shalt take seauen and seauen, male and female: 3but of the beasts that are vncleane two and two, male and female. Yea and of the foules also of the ayre seauen and seauen, male and female: that seed may be saued vpon the face of the whole earth. 4For yet a while, and after seauen dayes, I wil rayne vpon the earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nights: and I wil cleane destroy al substance that I haue made, from the face of the earth. 5Noe therfore did al things, which our Lord had commanded him. 6And he was six hundred yeares old, when the waters of the floud flowed ouer the earth. Mat. 24. Luc. 17.7And Noe entred and his sonnes, his wife and the wiues of his sonnes with him into the arke, because of the waters of the floud. 8Of beasts also the cleane and the vncleane, and of foules, and of al that moueth vpon the earth, 9two and two went to Noe into the arke, male and female, as our Lord had commanded Noe. 10And after the seauen dayes were passed, the waters of the floud flowed ouer the earth. 11In the six hundred yeare of the life of Noe, in the second month, in the seauententh day of the month, al the fountaines of the [3] great depth were broken vp, and [4] the floud-gates of heauen were opened: 12and the raine fel vpon the earth fourtie dayes and fourtie nights. 13In the verie point of that day entred Noe, and Sem, and Cham, and Iapheth his sonnes; and his wife, and the three wiues of his sonnes with them into the arke: 14they and euerie beast according to their kind, and al cattle in their kind, and al that moueth vpon the earth according to their kind, and al foule according to their kind, al birds, and al that fly 15went to Noe into the arke, two and two of al flesh, wherin there was breath of life. 16And such as entred in, male and female of al flesh did enter in, as God had commanded him: and our Lord ″ shut him in on the out side. 17And the floud grew fourtie daies vpon the earth: and the waters increased, and lifted vp the arke on high from the earth. 18For they ouerflowed exceedingly; and filled al on the face of the earth: moreouer the arke fleeted vpon the waters. 19And the waters preuailed out of measure vpon the earth; and al the high mountaines vnder the whole heauen were couered. 20Fifteen cubits higher was the water aboue the mountaines, which it couered. 21And al flesh was consumed that

  1. Noe was iust not only by the estimation of men, but indeed and before God.
  2. Observation of cleane and vnclean beastes by tradition before the Law of Moyses.
  3. The Hebrew word Thehom signifieth a gulfe of water, from whence new fountaines sprang, more abundantly then euer since or before.
  4. Arubbah signifieth great pipes or windowes, by which water fell downe in great abundance from the ayre, here called heauen. S. Hier. quest. Heb. S. Epiph, ad Io. Hierosolym. S. Chr. ho. 25. in Gen.