Page:The Holy Scripture (Myles Coverdale).djvu/8

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The bokes of the hole Byble,

how they are named in Englyſh and Latyn / how longe they are wrytten in the allegations, how many chapters euery boke hath, and in what leafe euery one begynneth.

¶ The bokes of the fyrſt parte.
Abbreuiacion. Boke. Chapters. Leafe.
Gen. Geneſis, the fyrſt boke of Moſes. l. fyrſt.
Exo. Exodus, the ſeconde boke of Moſes. xi. xxiiii.
Leui. Leuiticus, the thyrde boke of Moſes. xxvii. xiii.
Num. Numerus, the fourthe boke of Moſes. xxxvi. lv.
Deut. Deuteronomion, the fyfthe boke of Moſes. xxxiiii. lxxiiii.
¶ The bokes of the ſeconde parte.
Abbreuiacion. Boke. Chapters. Leafe.
Joſ. Joſue, the boke of Joſua. xxiiii. ii.
Jud. Judicum, the boke of the Judges. xxii. xiii.
Ruth. Ruth, the boke of Ruth. iiii. xxiiii.
I.Reg. Regum, the fyrſt boke of the kynges. xxxi. xxvi.
II.Reg. Regum, the ſeconde boke of the kynges. xxiiii. xl.
III.Reg. Regum, the thyrde boke of the kynges. xxii. lii.
IIII.Reg. Regum, the fourth boke of the kynges. xxv. lxvi.
I.Par. Paralipomenon, ye. I. boke of ye Cronicles. xxx. lxxix.
II.Par. Paralipomenon, ye. II. boke of ye Cronicles. xxxvi. xci.
I.Eſd. Eſdre, the fyrſt boke of Eſdras. x. cvii.
II.Eſd. Eſdre, the ſeconde boke of Eſdras. xiii. cxi.
Heſter. Heſter, the boke of Heſter. x. cxvii.
¶ The bokes of the thyrde parte.
Abbreuiacion. boke. Chapters. Leafe.
Job. Job, the boke of Job. xlii. fyrſt
Pſal. Pſalterium, the Pſalter. cl. xii.
Pro. Prouerbia, the prouerbes of Salomon. xxxi. xxxviii.
Eccle. Eccleſiaſtes, the preacher of Salomon. xii. xlvii.
Cant. Cantica Canticorũ, Salomons balettes. viii. l.
¶ The Prophetes.
Abbreuiacion. Boke. Chapters. Leafe.
Eſa. Eſaias, Eſay the prophete. lxvi. ii.
Jere. Jeremias, Jeremy the prophete. lii. xxiiii.
Tren. Treni, the lamentacions of Jeremy. v. xlix.
Bar. Baruc, Baruc the prophete. vi. li.
Eze. Ezechiel, Ezechiel the prophete. xlviii. lv.
Dan. Daniel, Daniel the prophete. xii. lxxvii.
Oſe. Oſeas, Oſeas the prophete. xiiii. lxxxvii.
Joel. Joel, Joel the prophete. iii. lxxxvii.
Amo. Amos, Amos the prophete.. ix. lxxxviii.
Abd. Abdias, Abdy the prophete. i. xc.
Jon. Jonas, Jonas the prophete. ivi. xci.
Mich. Micheas, Micheas the prophete. vii. xcii.
Na. Naum, Naum the prophete. iii. xciiii.
Aba. Abacuc, Abacuc the prophete. iii. xcv.
Soph. Sophonias, Sophony the prophete. iii. xcvi.
Agg. Aggeus, Aggeus the prophete. ii. xcvii.
Zacha. Zacharias, Zachary the prophete. xiiii. xcvii.
Mal. Malachias, Malachy the prophete. iii. ci.
The Apocrypha.
Abbreuiacion. Boke. Chapters. Leafe.
III. Eſdre. Eſdre, the thyrde boke of Eſdras. ix. ii.
IIII. Eſdre. Eſdre, the fourth boke of Eſdras. xvi. viii.
Tob. Tobias, the boke of Tobias. xiiii. xx.
Judith. Judith, the boke of Judith. xvi. xxiiii.
Certayne Chapiters of Heſter vi. xxx.
Sap. Sapientia, the boke of wyſdome. xix. xxxii.
Eccli. Eccleſiaſticus, Jeſus Syrac. li. xxxix.
Suſ. Suſanna, the ſtorye of Suſanna. i. lvii.
Bel. Bel, the ſtorye of Bell. i. lviii.
I. Mac. Machabeorum, the fyrſt boke of the Mach. xvi. lix.
II. Mac. Machabeorũ, The ſecõde boke of the Mac. xv. lxxiii.
The new Teſtament.
Abreuiacion. Boke. Chapters. Leafe.
Math. Mathew the Euangeliſt. xxviii. ii.
Mar. Marke the Euangeliſt. xvi. xvi.
Luc. Luke the Euangeliſt. xxiiiii. xxv.
Joh. Jhon the Euangeliſt. xxi. xl.
Act. The Actes of the Apoſtles. xxviii. li.
Rom. The Epiſtle to the Romaynes. xvi. lxvi.
I. Cor. The fyrſt Epiſtle to the Corinthians. xvi. lxxii.
II. Cor. The ſeconde Epiſtle to the Corinthians. xiii. lxxviii.
Gal. The Epiſtle to the Galathians. vi. lxxxii.
Ephe. The Epiſtle to the Epheſians. vi. lxxxiiii.
Phil. The Epiſtle to the Philippians. iiii. lxxxix.
Col. The Epiſtle to the Colloſſians. iiii. lxxxvix.
I. Teſſ. The fyrſt Epiſtle to the Teſſalonians. v. lxxxix.
II. Teſſ. The ſeconde Epiſtle to the Teſſalonians. iii. xc.
I. Timo. The fyrſt Epiſtle unto Timothy. vi. xci.
II. Tim. The ſeconde Epiſtle unto Timothy. iiii. xcii.
Tit. The Epiſtle unto Tytus. iii. xciiii.
Phile. The Epiſtle unto Philemon. i. xciiii.
I. Pet. The fyrſt Epiſtle of S. Peter. v. xcv.
II. Pet. The ſeconde Epiſtle of S. Peter. iii. xcvi.
I. Joh. The fyrſt Epiſtle of S. Jhon. v. xcviii.
II. Joh. The ſeconde Epiſtle of S. Jhon. i. xcix.
III. Joh. The thirde Epiſtle of S. Jhon. i. xcix.
Heb. The Epiſtle unto the Hebrues. xiii. c.
Jac. The Epiſtle of S. James. v. ciiii.
Jud. The Epiſtle of S. Jude. i. cvi.
Apo. The Reuelacion of S. Jhon. xxii. cvi.