Page:The Homes of the New World- Vol. II.djvu/158

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self have told us with scientific certainty in your “Parity of Reason throughout the Universe;” and thus has He himself told us in his revelation, as Eternal goodness. And hence it is that I see, during life's changing phenomena, amid everything dark and chaotic, amid all stars, and in all stars, amid all tears—as well as in my own—everywhere the harmonious figure, the eternal star, the child of harmony, the future world of God, the kingdom of man; and hence it is that I weep and am joyful nevertheless.

You see, my estimable friend, what a pure, divine joy your book has awoke within me. It has been your desire, your pleasure, to impart such joy; and I cannot describe to you how my soul was enriched those mornings when I sate by the sea-shore with your book in my hand, and before me boundless space, as infinite as the views which it presented to my glance; or in the evenings when in thought with you I visited those brilliant worlds above and around me, and, according to the doctrine of the metamorphosis of things, I let my fancy freely sport with the powers of matter and of mind, whilst a magnificent spectacle of electric fire was displayed in the firmament above. Festal hours and moments!

Your book which was sent to me by the Danish Chargé d'Affaires in Philadelphia, Mr. Bille, was all the more welcome to me, as I had lately parted with that little work on the “Parity of Reason,” &c., which you gave me in Copenhagen; I had left it with Professor Henry of Washington, an amiable and distinguished scientific man, who, on hearing of its subject and nature from me wished to translate it. I have often heard your name mentioned with honour in the New World, together with those of Linnæus and Berzelius. Professor Henry was the first who made your scientific works known in this country. And it would delight you to know the rapidity and the skill with