Page:The Homes of the New World- Vol. II.djvu/245

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good venison, fruit, tarts, and many good things, all as nicely and as delicately set out as if on a prince's table. The young sons of the house waited upon us. At home, in Sweden, it would have been the daughters. All were cordial and joyous. When the meal was over we had again songs, and after that dancing. Mrs. Petterson joined in every song with a strong and clear but somewhat shrill voice, which she said was “so not by art but by nature since the beginning of the world!” The good old lady would have joined us too in the dances and the polskas, if she had not been prevented by her rheumatic lameness. I asked the respectable smith to be my partner, and we two led the Nigar Polska, which carried along with it young and old, and electrified all, so that the young gentlemen sprang up aloft, and the fat American lady tumbled down upon a bench overpowered by laughter; we danced finally round the house.

After that we went in the beautiful evening down to the shore of the lake, and the star-song of Tegnér was sung beneath the bright starry heavens. Somewhat later, when we were about to separate, I asked Mrs. Petterson to sing a Swedish evening hymn, and we all joined in as she sang—

“Now all the earth reposeth.”

We then parted with cordial shaking of hands and mutual good wishes; and all and each returned to their homes in the star-bright night.

I was to remain at Mrs. Patterson's, but not without some uneasiness on my part as to the prospect of rest, for however sumptuous had been the entertainment of the evening, yet still the state of the house testified of the greatest lack of the common conveniences of life; and I had to sleep in the sister's bed with Mrs. Petterson, and six children and grandchildren lay in the adjoining room, which was the kitchen. Among these was young Mrs. Bergvall with her little baby and her little stepson;