Page:The Homes of the New World- Vol. II.djvu/364

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plots or pieces of ground for large sums. He, like Mr. Downing, (with whom he has, also in appearance, a certain resemblance,) unites at the same time the practical man and the poetical temperament, in particular for natural objects.

There is a great number of Germans in St. Louis. They have music and dancing parties which are zealously attended. There are also here both French and Spaniards. At the hotels all is in the French style, with French names for dishes and wines. The Irish here, as everywhere else, throughout the United States, constitute the labouring population; excepting negro-slaves, the greater portion of servants are Irish.

Spite of the greatly increasing trade of the city, it is still extremely difficult, nay almost impossible for a young emigrant to obtain a situation in any place of business. If, on the contrary however, he will begin by doing coarse hand-labour, as a miller's man, for instance, or a worker in a manufactory, he can easily find employment and get good wages. And if he lives carefully he may soon gain sufficient to undertake higher employment. Better still are his prospects if he can superintend some handicraft trade, he is then in a fair way to become the artificer of his own fortune.

November 11th.—Again summer and sunshine, and a glorious view over the Mississippi and the expanse of country! The heavens are light blue, the earth is light green, everything is bathed in light. I have walked with my young friend over the hills around this place, and Mr. A. has driven me out to see the whole neighbourhood. That which always strikes me most in the great West, is the vastness and extensiveness of the landscape. It produces upon me a peculiarly cheerful and expansive feeling. I cannot but involuntarily smile, as I seem to long to stretch out my arms and fly over the earth. It feels to me very stupid and strange this not being able to do so.