Page:The Homes of the New World- Vol. III.djvu/343

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to sail “to the northern parts of Virginia, where they would found their colony.”

Before this, English adventurers in the southern parts of Virginia had penetrated inland, seeking for gold. But the greater part of these had perished miserably, in consequence of their own excesses, and the diseases incident to the climate. One man, however, John Smith,—an ambitious and bold adventurer, but equally prudent as courageous,—succeeded by his personal influence in giving some stability to a small colony, which was planted by the James River, and where he founded a city called James Town.

Where Richmond now stands, and a little above the falls of the river, a powerful Indian chief called Powhatan, styled also the emperor of the country, had his residence, and was obeyed by many smaller Indian tribes who were scattered over the surrounding country and cultivated the land. Smith advanced up the river, and endeavoured to penetrate into the interior, but here, unfortunately, his men disobeying his orders, were surprised by the Indians, put to death and he himself taken prisoner. He had been a prisoner before; had been sold as a slave in Turkey, and amid manifold adventures which his restless spirit had impelled him to seek in Europe, Asia, and Africa, he had become well acquainted with dangers, and prepared for whatever might occur. Standing captive amid the Indians whose hatred and cruelty he very well knew, he remained perfectly calm, and riveted the attention and interest of the Indians by showing them a compass and exhibiting to them various proofs of his knowledge and his skill. This excited astonishment and admiration. He was conveyed from one tribe to another, like some wonderful animal or conjuror, and finally to the Emperor Powhatan, who was to decide upon his fate. Whilst Powhatan and his chiefs were holding councils respecting the stranger, and to decide upon his fate, he employed himself